
Denny Carleton

Brit 60s Pop Sound

In the 1960s allmost all of the bands iwrote songs that highlighted the quirks anf foibles of society. Now we rely on hatefull politics instead. The plays the thing that moves the heart of the king.The pen is mightier than the sword.
Telephone Youve reached the office of Juliet and Sheen So leave your number at the beep on the

Brit 60s Pop Sound

In the 1960s allmost all of the bands iwrote songs that highlighted the quirks anf foibles of society. Now we rely on hatefull politics instead. The plays the thing that moves the heart of the king.The pen is mightier than the sword.
Telephone Youve reached the office of Juliet and Sheen So leave your number at the beep on the impersonal machine And You will wait on the line and we will waste your time We'll let the music play We will waste away your day Youll wait for 15 minutes to hear what we will say

With our caller id feature we will know its you who called And in a few days you'll get a call back after all From a credit card company who bought our phone call list At an iconveniant time when the game is on the line We'll ask you stupid questions that will really blow your mine

Take out your cell phone ina traffic jam And use your pager and faxing while you scan And just in case we'll send an email telegram' We'll mispronounce your name disdain on your domain Obtain as you complain that we're a real pain Telephone!

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